Women empowerment
Don Bosco working with these SHG women brought together many unrelated women thereby, expanding their social networks outside of the family. This led to extended social support as well as enhanced their range of using strategies. Women share their problems within group meetings, which are often related to family problems which they are unable to discuss within the home. Don Bosco ensures that women get their rights and through the training programme, they will be able to earn for their livelihood.
To run the SHG groups smoothly, we collaborated with banks and different government, and seek their help for running this initiative successfully. We have made 60 SHG groups where we provide training to them of different skills.

What we do under Women Empowerment

Promotion of women

Our initiative is to provide a platform for ladies to earn better livelihood by developing the sense of entrepreneurship and economic justice. Many women work for very low wages (about Rs 3500-5000 per month) in the informal sector and they do not have a chance to enable their children to attend school or to develop secure sources of income. Women are always neglected to take part in the decision- making process of the family. Our aim is to empower them to stand for their rights.

Formation of SHG groups

Don Bosco Navjeevan has been striving to achieve its one of the objectives to empower the women, especially those who are poor and marginalized in the society. These women are kept inside the four walls and where they have been reportedly exploited by the family members or mafias from outside. Under SHG (Self Help Group) project, women are formed into groups. Every SHG group contains 10 members each. The group is called formed when the ladies submit their forms. Then among the group, leaders are being elected with the anonymous votes. Each group has its own president, secretary and treasurer. President will be responsible for conducting regular meeting and decide on the topics discussed in the meeting. Treasurer is responsible to collect the money from the group members and keep it safely in the bank.
Skill training

Several training programmes are being conducted to make them realize their possible potentialities to overcome maximum hitches in life. They have been provided with Dona Making, Beautician training courses, tailoring course, running small vegetables and fruits shops. Skill training is provided to these ladies so that they can earn their livelihood. So far, we have provided six skill trainings to the different SHG ladies. We had provided stitching courses, beauty courses and accessory making courses to the ladies.

Capacity building training

Don Bosco Navjeevan Society provides Capacity Building training for the leaders of SHG groups to empower them and make them understand about the SHG groups. In the training session, we provide them information about various government schemes and policies.