Health & Nutrition


Medical Camps and Awareness

India still faces health care crisis due to inadequate medical facilities especially in slums and colonies. In addition to that, large chunk of population in India is living under poverty line and cannot afford the expenses of healthcare services. Therefore, providing health education, timely reference to the hospitals and proper management of cases or illness become an imperative part of our programme. But, in order to secure a progressive improvement in the health of people, it is essential that people are educated to adopt and practice a healthy lifestyle and refrain themselves from doing what is detrimental to their own health and to others. Thereby, medical camps are organized by Don Bosco Navjeevan Society, Chandigarh in different areas to provide health services and create an environment where the underprivileged community gets sensitized about various health issues. Don Bosco Navjeevan Society provides free medicines to the people living in slums and colonies. 

Don Bosco is providing awareness to the masses regarding health. The main objective of Health Awareness is to provide health related knowledge to the people to aware them how to prevent or cure any disease. The definition of health possesses many variances as it depends on every individual. Health is the term for describing the state of being free from any kind of illness or diseases. Health is a form that assures the harmony between all the systems, organs and parts of the body. For providing health awareness, programs are organized that can help in promoting a healthy environment.

Our main focus is to create awareness on various health issues among the people who are living in the periphery of Chandigarh especially who are migrants also, to enable the people to have knowledge about their health. Awareness of disease and symptoms is essential for screening and early detection. If members of the public are aware of a disease and its symptoms, they are more likely to take action to prevent it from happening to them, or go to healthcare providers for check-ups.

On the other hand, if people are not aware of diseases and healthcare options it keeps them from taking preventative action or from visiting their doctor and accessing care. Lack of awareness is not only dangerous in terms of worsening health outcomes; it can also be divisive in society and can affect quality of life.

We support local community partners to run screening, awareness and counselling programmes, and help to empower people with the knowledge to safeguard and manage their own health.

Improved access to health care for all children, particularly for the children of the more disadvantaged groups

Number of health camps for children, especially for those in poorer locations


Number of Children Benefited


Number of                         people benefitted


People were benefitted from medical camps

Medical Camps Conducted For SHG Ladies, Remedial Children and General Public

Nutrition Programme

The Nutrition Programme is run by Don Bosco Navjeevan Society to improve the health of the children of remedial classes. On a monthly basis all the centres of remedial classes are given nutrition four times a week to make sure that children are not malnourished and they can properly concentrate on their studies. with the help of our nutrition campaign, children of our centres are getting less sick and they are less absent from schools than usual.